Tuesday 9 March 2010

Jumping out of a 2story window and slamming into a tree FUN DAY:D

Yesterday was a really fun day, it started at 9am and ended at 12.30pm!! We did a photo shoot in a half built/demolished house which was really fun! Kinda scary considering we didn't know what we were walking on because it was all covered in snow, and part of the house had caved in! But we managed to get some really cool shots! Here is an idea of what we were doing... check the video..

We went to Keystone today which was really fun! they have so much cool stuff in their park! its so creative, its unreal! Taking a day off and going to Denver to drop of my Brother seeing as he's flying home :( ive got 6 days left in Breckenridge before i leave for London and then shortly after to Switzerland for the British Championships.

Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the snow!!!

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