Saturday 11 December 2010

Worse weather ive ever seen in Silverthorne!!

Last night we had the worst weather in Breckenridge/Silverthorne! It was crazy to say the least! Really high winds and alot of snow! 14inches fell over night and its still falling now :) We decided to take a day off today because its still bad weather and we've been riding for about 6 days straight. We went to the store last night which proved one of the scariest drives with the car sliding all over the place. Police had to shut of the main highway into silverthorne the i70! Here's some photo's i took when we went shopping!

Thursday 9 December 2010

Keystone bad weather riding!

Today we woke up to bad, windy weather! It sucked... but we still went up the mountain and had fun :)

Tuesday 7 December 2010

We've been riding Breck the past few days...! And even when the weathers been rubbish its still been the most fun time! Luckily we have had some really sunny days. But today it dumped about 10 inches and we had one of the best powder days!!! So much fun!

Shopping in Denver!

The other day we took a break and went down to Denver shopping! We went to cherry creak mall which is one of the biggest shopping centres ive ever seen!!! its got everything! Check these photos from the drive down!

Back in Breckenridge!

I arrived the other day in Breckenridge...So happy to be back! We headed to the higher car centre where we picked up are pimped out car! There's not a whole lot of snow here, but i hear we're meant to be getting alot in the next few days! so fingers crossed!!

Blog back up and running!

Ive decided to get my blog up and running again! I will try and upload stuff as much as possible :) enjoy!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Day OFF today!!

Today i had a day off, We took my Brother to the airport. After dropping sam off we went to some shops down in Denver. We went to this crazy hunting shop, which had way to many stuffed animals and guns! was pretty crazy!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Jumping out of a 2story window and slamming into a tree FUN DAY:D

Yesterday was a really fun day, it started at 9am and ended at 12.30pm!! We did a photo shoot in a half built/demolished house which was really fun! Kinda scary considering we didn't know what we were walking on because it was all covered in snow, and part of the house had caved in! But we managed to get some really cool shots! Here is an idea of what we were doing... check the video..

We went to Keystone today which was really fun! they have so much cool stuff in their park! its so creative, its unreal! Taking a day off and going to Denver to drop of my Brother seeing as he's flying home :( ive got 6 days left in Breckenridge before i leave for London and then shortly after to Switzerland for the British Championships.

Hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the snow!!!

Saturday 6 March 2010

Excited for the future...

Breckenridge>London>Laax Switzerland>Houston>Hayden>Steamboat>London>Finland!!!!!

Thats how the next month looks! EXCITED to say the least!!!!

Monday 1 March 2010

Having an amazing time in Colorado


So Breck has had sunshine..snow...sunshine...snow! Had some really fun sunny days but today was super windy and really cold! Ive had my brother here for the past week which has been so much fun! Love being back riding with him! So yeah ive ridden for nearly 3 weeks now without a day off... so feeling kinda tired at the moment! owell :D hopefully we have some sun tomorrow and on Sunday i think we're going to head to WoodWard, where they have a foam pit and trampolines! its soo much fun! hopefully have some pictures coming soon from there!


Sunday 14 February 2010


Just found out that i will be coming back to Colorado for a photoshoot after i go to laax once ive left here!!! so happy... i will be going to a place called steamboat. Should be fun!!! so much fun!

I got to breck a few days ago! so excited to be back! im here until the 17th march... so quite a long time! Its been real fun seeing as today we have had a powder day! managed to get in the trees and get ourselves lost which was quite interesting haha. Here are some photos from today..

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Leaving on a jet plane!

Sitting in heathrow airport, waiting to board... Im off to Breckenridge Colorado for about a month cant wait!! And just as im leaving we're meant to be getting snow in the UK. Cant believe it, every time im away we get the most snow we have ever had in years. Owell Breck is ment to be good! so cant wait to ride again!

(Heres a photo of my dog... dont think he wanted me to leave!)

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Trade Show!

I went to one of the trade shows we have in the UK today. Was fun, got to see a lot of friends, and also pick up my 10/11 Drake Board its so nice and girly :D Cant wait to get out to Breck so i can try it out!!

Saturday 30 January 2010

Indoor @ Hemel

Went riding indoors last night, was fun to ride with my brother again and also with my dad:D hes doing pretty good for a dad... boxes and even kickers!! keep it going, 9s soon!!!=)

Friday 29 January 2010

Some footage of me in Breck

New Blog

Hey All this is my new Blog i have started up, follow me here to see what i am up to and how my snowboarding and fun times are going as i have them.

Beck :)