Saturday 11 December 2010

Worse weather ive ever seen in Silverthorne!!

Last night we had the worst weather in Breckenridge/Silverthorne! It was crazy to say the least! Really high winds and alot of snow! 14inches fell over night and its still falling now :) We decided to take a day off today because its still bad weather and we've been riding for about 6 days straight. We went to the store last night which proved one of the scariest drives with the car sliding all over the place. Police had to shut of the main highway into silverthorne the i70! Here's some photo's i took when we went shopping!

Thursday 9 December 2010

Keystone bad weather riding!

Today we woke up to bad, windy weather! It sucked... but we still went up the mountain and had fun :)

Tuesday 7 December 2010

We've been riding Breck the past few days...! And even when the weathers been rubbish its still been the most fun time! Luckily we have had some really sunny days. But today it dumped about 10 inches and we had one of the best powder days!!! So much fun!

Shopping in Denver!

The other day we took a break and went down to Denver shopping! We went to cherry creak mall which is one of the biggest shopping centres ive ever seen!!! its got everything! Check these photos from the drive down!

Back in Breckenridge!

I arrived the other day in Breckenridge...So happy to be back! We headed to the higher car centre where we picked up are pimped out car! There's not a whole lot of snow here, but i hear we're meant to be getting alot in the next few days! so fingers crossed!!

Blog back up and running!

Ive decided to get my blog up and running again! I will try and upload stuff as much as possible :) enjoy!